Few weeks ago, I was browsing Facebook while mom, baby and I are all in bed.
NIX: Ma, do you know anyone named "Charina"? She's got the same last name as ours and she's based in the states.
MOM: I'm not sure but I think your father might know him. Why?
NIX: I've got a friend invite from her few months ago, I never accepted it since I don't know her.
MOM: Accept it. She might be a distant relative.
And so I did. She then added me to a family group and I found this post of another member asking if anyone knows my grandfather. Turns out that a simple "accept friend request" will lead us into finding a long lost aunt that my father and his siblings have been looking for since my grandpa died about six years ago. Last Sunday, at my grandpa's old compound in Kamias, a reunion happened.
[clockwise] Tito Pando, Tita Ruby, Tita Neng, Tita Rodora and Tito Ramon carrying Vince |
Too bad dad and their other brother is in Sibuyan [grandpa's province] at that time and couldn't join them but I know this is just a beginning of something new. Happy Mothers' Day and welcome to "Mang Rudy's Family", Tita Rodora! :)