GAS: Gear Aquisition Syndrome.

Last Saturday, Prince and I visited the northern area of Metro Manila for one of the most well-known local guitar doctor, Max Rufo. I had Jasmine with me and Prince brought his new P-Bass for some custom treats. I asked Mang Max if it's possible to put a simple pink pickguard that's shaped like Ritsuko's bass [Shonen Knife] for my Jasmine even if her body is very slim. Mang Max took her body measurement and pick-up distances, asked me what shade of pink I'd like to put on her and told me how much it would cost. It's super bargain! I'll just go back next weekend and get it installed because he didn't want me to leave her in his shop, I also can't.
Prince's P-Bass will have a couple of things to work on so he left it there for almost an

overhaul. Then Mang Max showed this amazing catalog of the custom-made guitars and basses. The thing that got my attention was the Tele-Bass: a short-scale bass guitar sporting that body of a telecaster! It's not in any other brand's 2010 catalog for sure and it's got a single-coil pick-up [not like the one in this picture] that Mang Max developed himself. I can't help but sigh, there goes GAS ATTACK!
Looking at philmusic's classifieds section [] makes my GASing heart beat fast. A lot of good stuff are being sold in reasonable price. The last one I couldn't stop staring at is a red fretless bass. I kept reminding myself how much I love Jasmine and I will not trade her for anything. I'll just wait for the pink pickguard installation and she'll be ready for recording and more gigs this summer! ☺
Now I know why I spent two years learning to play the acoustic and electric guitar. lol