I visited my OB-Gyne this morning and asked if 'feeling sick and weak' is normal during pregnancy, she said it is due to hormonal changes that's been happening to my body. She even said that the positive side of it is that these hormonal changes means that the baby is developing as it should. Sometimes women who encountered miscarriage thought that their doing okay because they don't feel nauseous or anything that could indicate these hormonal changes without knowing that the baby inside the womb doesn't have any heartbeat anymore.

All the tests that was done - CBC, Urinalysys, HBsAg, VDRL and transvaginal ultrasound just gave great results. I'm just glad that the minor operation to remove a cyst in my neck didn't give any complication to this little fetus that's about two or three weeks at that time.
My doctor reminded me to be very careful not to be around people with colds, cough, etc. Drink lots of water, go to the restroom right away when I need to pee [to avoid UTI which pregnant women are prone to have], avoid junk food, take only one cup of coffee if I really need to, maximum of one can of softdrink per day, not to have any hair treatments, no massages, stay away from crowded places, get enough rest and avoid exercises that's focused on abdominal muscles.
It's quite a lot but I think I can bear with it. I am more excited for our baby. These days I noticed a couple of cravings but not the hardcore hard-to-find ones. I always want green mangoes with shrimp paste. Last night I asked my brother who visited me here in my pad to buy
sisig for dinner. This morning and afternoon, I've been feasting on Burger King's Whopper burgers.
It's been a while since I last ate at Burger King. I remember that they used to have a promo for free refills of any drink that you order so my friends in high school

can just hangout there and refill our cups for three hours, haha! I used to love their onion rings but for some reason, their onion rings these days is far from what I was used to having. It used to be perfectly fried golden rings that tastes really good with or without anything to dip them on. This one just tastes like crunchy bits of flour and the onion rings are deformed and overcooked. I wish they could do the same quality onion rings as before.
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