Few months ago, it was announced that Harry Potter 7's first part of the movie will be showing on November 18, 2010. I was really excited to see the first half of the last HP movie and I looked forward to this date eversince.
It was also announced that Gin Blossoms will be having a concert at the Araneta Coliseum on the same date. Prince and I were both excited and planned to buy Upper Box A for reserved seating tickets at the venue on the day of the concert.
November 18, 2010 is a Thursday so I requested for a VL (vacation leave, hehe) months ago to make sure that these things that I'm looking forward to will not be missed. Little did I know that God has bigger plans for me that day...
According to my first ultrasound, my expected due date is December 9, 2010. Since it's my first baby, it could be expected two weeks before or after the due date.
Last Tuesday evening, November 16, I was out from work at 10pm, took a shower and took a nap. As usual, I waited for Prince to arrive from work so we can finish watching The Pianist. I felt a dysmenorrhea-like pain but it consistently wears out and goes back every 15 minutes. I had no idea that it's already the so-called 'contraction'. I've been reading articles about labor and childbirth but I wasn't able to imagine how it was described. I tried to ignore the pain until we're done with the movie and tried to go back to sleep. I've been waking up feeling the contractions getting stronger and by 10:30am, Wednesday, I decided to go and see my OB-Gyne instead of going to work. I immediately informed my boss that I can't go to work and asked to have it filed as sick leave. We arrived at the hospital around 12:30pm. My doctor's staff lead me to the delivery room right away and they told me I was already 1cm dilated. The resident doctor asked if I could still go back home or be admitted while waiting to reach 10cm. I didn't want to stay longer in the delivery room because it's filled with about 6 other pregnant women waiting to give birth so all I could hear are moans due to severe pain. I told the doctor I'd go home and she advised me to go back immediately if the contractions becomes more frequent, if I have blood or water discharge. Prince went to work and I went back home.
The entire Wednesday afternoon, I've been trying to rest but the pain keeps going back every 15minutes. Before midnight, the pain goes back every 10minutes. Prince is off from work at 2am of Thursday and he asked me if I would want him to buy anything, I told him to just hurry back home as I might not be able to take the pain any longer. He's home at around 3am and convinced me to go back to the hospital. The same resident doctor told me that I'm already 3cm dilated and asked if I can still walk around the hospital as walking really helps to make the early stage of labor faster, otherwise she's going to have the dextrose thing (I don't know what to call it, it's my first time and it looked painful) placed in my right hand. I told her I'll try to walk around. She advised me to rest until 6am, have breakfast and return at 8am or when it's painful enough that I couldn't walk. Prince and I had light breakfast at a Jollibee stall next to the hospital but I wasn't able to finish my sandwich. We went back to the delivery room at 7am, the dextrose thing was placed on me and my water broke at around 9:30am. I totally blacked out about 5minutes before 11am after a couple of 'push'. The next thing I knew, I saw this yellow band on my wrist with my name, age and OB-Gyne's name on it. I was then transferred to a semi-private room where I saw the two bags that I packed few months ago - one for all my stuff, one for baby's. The nurse told me that baby's in the nursery, getting screened and will be sent to our room in 6-8 hours. Prince and I patiently wait but they were only able to bring him before lunch time of the following day. He's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
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