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writer/musician/artist ...with a lot of random ideas

Monday, July 26, 2010


Ok, I will give myself a break from all those kitchen experiments I've been busy doing over the past few weeks. This time, I would like to blog about my views about different things that I've been reading [online news] and my opinion so in the name of democracy, please don't stone me to death.

I like our country's democracy but for some reason, I wonder if this is the reason why people don't have discipline. I'd like to think that the society values equality but everyday I witness how unequal everybody's getting treated.

Almost a year ago, the Maguindanao Massacre was all over the news. I wasn't able to look at the email that was sent to me with all those victims' pictures. I don't have the guts to even think how it looks like. I read in the news last week that the suspects were banned to use their mobile phones inside the prison. It sounded like a joke to me. What else do they have inside those cells? PSP's? iPads? Geez!

All the while I thought that divorce is not allowed in the Philippines. I've read a lot of celebrity couples who lived separate lives using a more acceptable way of separation - Annulment. It is by far, the only means to be out of a marriage and be allowed to marry again as legal separation won't. It's time consuming and bank account breaking at the same time. Then I read that Muslims in this country can have divorce. Therefore, I beg for equality for I am a Christian and I know that my God is an understanding God and He is just.

Afterall, I am still hoping for change. Tomorrow is the country's 15th president's first State of the Nation Address. I will stay tuned.

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